[an error occurred while processing this directive]
[an error occurred while processing this directive]Dr Angela Carbone
Senior Lecturer
Phone: +61 3 990 31911
Fax: +61 3 990 31077
Mr Matthew Butler
Phone: +61 3 990 47163
Dr Angela Carbone
Senior Lecturer
Phone: +61 3 990 31911
Fax: +61 3 990 31077
Professor David Green
Phone: +61 3 990 53912
Fax: +61 3 990 55159
Mr Shane Moore
Phone: +61 3 990 26716
Ms Sheelagh Walton
Phone: +27 11 950 4034
Fax: +27 11 950 4033
Welcome to FIT1002 Computer Programming. This 6 point unit is core to all undergraduate degree programs in the Faculty of Information Technology.
The unit has been designed to provide you with an overview of programming, problem solving, testing and debugging. It explores many fundamental programming concepts with emphasis on applying theoretical knowledge to a practical situation.
For on campus students, workload commitments are:
You will need to allocate up to 5 hours per week in some weeks, for use of a computer, including time for newsgroups/discussion groups.
Off-campus students generally do not attend lecture, tutorial and laboratory sessions, however, you should plan to spend equivalent time working through the relevant resources and participating in discussion groups each week.
This unit will be delivered via two one hour lectures. Lecturers may go through specific examples, give demonstrations and present slides that contain theoretical concepts.
In tutorials students will discuss in-depth fundamental and interesting aspects about programming which will help them complete their practical work. The tutorials are particularly useful in helping students consolidate concepts and practise their problem solving skills.
Laboratories will be devoted to giving students hands-on experience in implementing a programming solution to a practical problem.
For information on timetabling for on-campus classes please refer to MUTTS, http://mutts.monash.edu.au/MUTTS/
On-campus students should register for tutorials/laboratories using the Allocate+ system: http://allocate.its.monash.edu.au/
Off-Campus students should treat the Study Guide Book (consisting of 11 modules) as their primary source for self-directed study. The modules contain text which is directed to leading you through the learning for each week. Please read the welcome message in the Study Guide Book for further detail.
Online Discussion Forums are provided for the primary purpose of enabling off-campus students (including students studying at SPACE in Hong Kong) to engage with each other and the lecturer in Australia. The lecturer will expect all students to read these forums at least twice per week and issues raised in the forum are examinable. In the forums, you may ask questions about the topics or exercises of each module, or to clarify interpretation of assignment tasks and marking criteria.
Week | Date* | Topic | Study guide | Key dates |
1 | 01/03/10 | Unit Administration and Introduction | 1 | |
2 | 08/03/10 | Algorithms, Variables and Data Types | 2 | |
3 | 15/03/10 | Using objects and classes, Math Class, String Class, Random Class and I/O | 3 | |
4 | 22/03/10 | Selection | 4 | Assignment 1 Due End of Lab session (5%) |
5 | 29/03/10 | Repetition | 5 | |
Mid semester break | ||||
6 | 12/04/10 | Modularisation | 6 | Mid semester test (10%) |
7 | 19/04/10 | Classes and Objects | 7 | |
8 | 26/04/10 | Methods revisited | 8 | |
9 | 03/05/10 | Object references | 9 | Assignment 2 Due Fri 7th May (10%) |
10 | 10/05/10 | Arrays | 10 | |
11 | 17/05/10 | Case study: Multiple classes | 11 | |
12 | 24/05/10 | Campus specific week | 11 | Assignment 3 Due Fri 28th May(15%) |
13 | 31/05/10 | Exam Revision |
*Please note that these dates may only apply to Australian campuses of Monash University. Off-shore students need to check the dates with their unit leader.
Improvements we have made to the unit from last year include:
1. Introduce methods before constructors
2. Use Moodle instead of Blackboard as the Learning Management System
3. Provide more information and exercises related to plagiarism - aim to reduce plagiarised code.
4. Redevelop some of the tutorial and laboratory exercises to incorporate more testing and debugging of programs;
5. Lecture notes are revised to include one or two thinking activities
6. Some of the lab questions are revised to focus more specifically on testing of classes/ methods/ code and group work
Lewis J., DePasquale P., and Chase J., JAVA Foundations., Pearson Education, 2008, ISBN 0-321-48678-1
Text books are available from the Monash University Book Shops. Availability from other suppliers cannot be assured. The Bookshop orders texts in specifically for this unit. You are advised to purchase your text book early.For all students:
Malik D.S., Java Programming - From Analysis to Design., Thomson Learning 2006, ISBN 0619216085
Robertson LA, Simple Program Design, 5th ed., Thomson/Nelson, 2007, ISBN 017010704-3
For student with advanced programming skills:
Arnold K., Gosling J. & Holmes D., The Java Programming Language, Fourth Edition, Addison-Wesley, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2006. ISBN 0-321-34980-6 (paperback)
Java Development Kit, Version j2sdk-1_5_0_06 or later, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Students should have access to at least one of the following Integrated Development Environments listed below.
The FIT1002 lecturers recommend jCreator for students with no programming experience. This is the development environment installed on all campus computers:
Jcreator - jcreator LE v4.0 is a powerful IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for Java and is strongly recommended. It can be downloaded from the Web Site: http://www.jcreator.com/ Students are advised to download the freeware version. There is no need for the fuller facilities provided in JcreatorPro.
For students that have programming experience and wish to continue with programming as part of Bachelor of Computer Science or Bachelor of Software Engineering, we recommend:
Eclipse (latest version) downloaded from http://eclipse.org.
Other development environments students that are available for students to use are:
jEdit - Text editor written in Java which can auto indent and provides syntax highlighting for more than 130 languages. http://www.jedit.org/
BlueJ, Version 2.1.2 Programming Development Environment. Although available on CD, version 2.1.3 can be downloaded from http://www.bluej.org
Study resources we will provide for your study are:
Additionally, students studying by Off-Campus Learning mode will receive:
To pass a unit which includes an examination as part of the assessment a student must obtain:
If a student does not achieve 40% or more in the unit examination or the unit non-examination total assessment, and the total mark for the unit is greater than 50% then a mark of no greater than 49-N will be recorded for the unit.
The unit is assessed with three assignments, a one hour mid-semester test and a three hour closed book examination. Furthermore:
students must attempt and submit all internal assessment tasks, and
students must participate in at least ten tutorial and ten practical classes. Participation will be monitored. Students unable to attend classes should contact their on-campus lecturer immediately. Students missing classes repeatedly may be contacted by lecturer to explain their absence.
Assignment coversheets are available via "Student Forms" on the Faculty website: http://www.infotech.monash.edu.au/resources/student/forms/
You MUST submit a completed coversheet with all assignments, ensuring that the plagiarism declaration section is signed.
Assignment submission and return procedures, and assessment criteria will be specified with each assignment.
3 hours
Type (open/closed book):
Closed book
Please make every effort to submit work by the due dates. It is your responsibility to structure your study program around assignment deadlines, family, work and other commitments. Factors such as normal work pressures, vacations, etc. are not regarded as appropriate reasons for granting extensions. Students are advised to NOT assume that granting of an extension is a matter of course.
Students requesting an extension for any assessment during semester (eg. Assignments, tests or presentations) are required to submit a Special Consideration application form (in-semester exam/assessment task), along with original copies of supporting documentation, directly to their lecturer within two working days before the assessment submission deadline. Lecturers will provide specific outcomes directly to students via email within 2 working days. The lecturer reserves the right to refuse late applications.
A copy of the email or other written communication of an extension must be attached to the assignment submission.
Refer to the Faculty Special consideration webpage or further details and to access application forms: http://www.infotech.monash.edu.au/resources/student/equity/special-consideration.html
Assignments received after the due date will be subject to a penalty of 5% per day, including weekends. Assignments received later than one week (seven days) after the due date will not normally be accepted. In some cases, this period may be shorter if there is a need to release sample solutions. This policy is strict because comments or guidance will be given on assignments as they are returned, and sample solutions may also be published and distributed, after assignment marking or with the returned assignment.
If students fail to submit an assignment or assessable prac, they will be marked ABSENT (TRANSLATES TO 0), unless they have completed a Special Consideration application form (in-semester exam/assessment task) directly to their unit leader within two working days before the assessment submission deadline. Lecturers will provide specific outcomes directly to students via email within 2 working days. The lecturer reserves the right to refuse late applications.
Students can expect assignments to be returned within two weeks of the submission date or after receipt, whichever is later.
Please visit the following URL: http://www.infotech.monash.edu.au/units/appendix.html for further information about: