The principal development process focus of the unit will be on the social, legal and business context in which multimedia and games development companies must operate. Students will work actively in teams on the development of a multimedia or games application or exhibit. Project teams will use project planning/management skills, and design and build a prototype of the project using appropriate software processes and methodologies. Students will integrate multimedia, programming and technical knowledge in the development process. Requirements are fulfilled by the team producing an identified set of deliverables. The team must ensure that each deliverable is completed on schedule.
1 hr lecture/wk, 3 hrs tutorials/wk
Students will be expected to spend a total of 12 hours per week during semester on this unit as follows:
Studio has specific workload and attendance requirements. In class requirements include:
You will also be required to put in eight hours outside the allocated in class studio time. This time is needed for:
MMS3404, MMS3407
(FIT1002 and FIT1004 and FIT1031 and FIT2001 and FIT2002 and (FIT1003 or FIT2003) and ((FIT2026 and FIT2072) or FIT2049)
Systems analysis and design, Project management, and the fundamental multimedia and/or games development tools.
Mark Power
Consultation hours: Wednesday 10AM-12Noon
Derrick Martin
Consultation hours: Monday 2PM - 4PM
Mark Power
Derrick Martin
Practical assignments: 100%. Assignments will include group and individual components.
Assessment Task | Value | Due Date |
Project Plan | 20% | Week 5, 22 August 2012, 5pm |
Process Journal Submission 1 | 20% | Week 7, 5 September 2012, 5pm |
Formal Product Presentation | 10% | Week 12 (in Studio) |
Final Product Delivery and Process Journal Submission 2 | 50% | Week 14, 31 October 2012, 5pm |
Monash is committed to excellence in education and regularly seeks feedback from students, employers and staff. One of the key formal ways students have to provide feedback is through SETU, Student Evaluation of Teacher and Unit. The University's student evaluation policy requires that every unit is evaluated each year. Students are strongly encouraged to complete the surveys. The feedback is anonymous and provides the Faculty with evidence of aspects that students are satisfied and areas for improvement.
For more information on Monash's educational strategy, and on student evaluations, see:
Previous feedback has highlighted the unit is strong in its flexible learning, structure and assessment items. Students have also indicated that group communication may be an issue if an effective management system are not in place. Teaching has been refocused towards integrating a group communication system that is supported by the unit tutors and incorporates inherent hurdles that identify individuals who are in need of additional facilitation and guidance and who receive problem-oriented directions from the unit leaders. Smaller cohorts at some locations has made this change unnecessary in all cases, but has increased a need for careful scoping and evaluation of project direction and academic leadership that has been successful in ensuring that professional, advanced elements are part of student work.
If you wish to view how previous students rated this unit, please go to
Please check with your lecturer before purchasing any Required Resources. Limited copies of prescribed texts are available for you to borrow in the library, and prescribed software is available in student labs.
There are no specific software requirements for this unit due to the varying nature of the projects chosen. After choosing your project you will be required to use the most appropriate development software.
Week | Activities | Assessment |
0 | No formal assessment or activities are undertaken in week 0 | |
1 | Unit Expectation, Project Outline, Process Journals | |
2 | Assessing Project Feasibility, Project Concept Development | |
3 | Finalising the Project Concept | |
4 | Project Documentation Development | |
5 | Presentation of Project Concept | Assessment task 1: Project Plan due Week 5, 22 August 2012, 5pm |
6 | Project Prototyping | |
7 | Project Development and Research | Assessment task 2: Process Journal Submission 1 due Week 7, 5 September 2012, 5pm |
8 | Intellectual Property | |
9 | Folios and Careers | |
10 | Multimedia and Game Testing | |
11 | Presentation Skills | |
12 | Presentations | Assessment task 3: Formal Product Presentation due Week 12 (in Studio); Assessment task 4: Final Product Delivery and Process Journal Submission 2 due Week 14, 31 October 2012, 5pm |
SWOT VAC | No formal assessment is undertaken SWOT VAC | |
Examination period | LINK to Assessment Policy: academic/education/assessment/ assessment-in-coursework-policy.html |
*Unit Schedule details will be maintained and communicated to you via your MUSO (Blackboard or Moodle) learning system.
Faculty Policy - Unit Assessment Hurdles (
Academic Integrity - Please see the Demystifying Citing and Referencing tutorial at
This unit has a group based assessment component of 60% and an individual component of 40%
To pass in this unit a student must obtain:
If a student does not achieve 40% or more in the unit group assessment or the unit individual assessment total assessment, and the total mark for the unit is greater than 50% then a mark of no greater than 49-N will be recorded for the unit.
Due to the nature of group work in this subject, it is expected that all students will attend 100% of classes. Failure to do so may result in difficulties with passing the unit.
If you are absent for more than two tutorial sessions you must supply a medical certificate or other appropriate documentation. For applying for special consideration refer to the link provided under 'Extensions and penalties' at the end of this section.
If you are finding problems with this requirement please ensure you speak to your unit adviser as early as possible. It is your responsibility to ensure that you can make this commitment before you embark on this subject.
Please note that attendance at tutorials without any study outside of allocated class times will not be sufficient to complete the work required.
Make sure you have a copy of the project you are working on with you when you attend classes.
Assessment procedures for a non–performing team member
If the unit assessor, or one or more team members, becomes concerned regarding the contribution of one or more members of a group then the unit assessor will determine, using the project documentation, examination of Process Journals and discussion with the students concerned whether the student or students are making an equitable contribution to the work of the group.
If it is determined that the student or students are not making an equitable contribution to the work of the group they may be deemed to be a non-performing team member.
In the event of this determination being made the group component of their assessment will be multiplied by a factor of up to 0.5 to arrive at a raw score.
It is a University requirement ( for students to submit an assignment coversheet for each assessment item. Faculty Assignment coversheets can be found at Please check with your Lecturer on the submission method for your assignment coversheet (e.g. attach a file to the online assignment submission, hand-in a hard copy, or use an online quiz).
Submission must be made by the due date otherwise penalties will be enforced.
You must negotiate any extensions formally with your campus unit leader via the in-semester special consideration process:
Monash has educational policies, procedures and guidelines, which are designed to ensure that staff and students are aware of the University's academic standards, and to provide advice on how they might uphold them.
You can find Monash's Education Policies at:
Key educational policies include:
The University provides many different kinds of support services for you. Contact your tutor if you need advice and see the range of services available at For Sunway see, and for South Africa see
The Monash University Library provides a range of services and resources that enable you to save time and be more effective in your learning and research. Go to or the library tab in portal for more information. At Sunway, visit the Library and Learning Commons at At South Africa visit
Academic support services may be available for students who have a disability or medical condition. Registration with the Disability Liaison Unit is required. Further information is available as follows:
Responsibility for student work
Students should note that they are, at all times, responsible for their work. All relevant material should be backed up on a regular basis to CD, DVD or Flash disks. The university has CD & DVD burners in the computer labs and blank CDs/DVDs may be purchased through the on-campus bookstore. Loss of assignment work due to hardware failure, virus or theft will not be accepted as reasons for late or non-submission of work. Students must hold an exact copy of all work which they submit for assessment, this copy should be held until your final result for the unit is released.